Well, the rumors were true. It really was about Poke Balls and Riding Pokemon. Back on September 19th of this year, we reported on the patient related lawsuit that Nintendo and The Pokemon company were filing a lawsuit against Pocket Pair, the creators of Palworld. Well, now thanks to a post on Twitter/X, we now have more information on what’s going on.
So we can learn a few things from the post above. First is the exact patents Pocket Pair is being sued for, which I have listed below.
Patent No. 7545191
[Patent application date: July 30, 2024]
[Patent registration date: August 27, 2024]
Patent No. 7493117
[Patent application date: February 26, 2024]
[Patent registration date: May 22, 2024]
Patent No. 7528390
[Patent application date: March 5, 2024]
[Patent registration date: July 26, 2024]
If you dig enough with those patient numbers above, you’ll come across some Google documents related to these patients, and it does infact appear that they are based around catching pokemon with poke balls and riding them, which is kind of what we all feared.
Also, towards the end of the statement linked in the above tweet is a summary that you can read here:
” Summary of the Claim
An injunction against Palworld
Payment of 5 million yen plus late payment damages to The Pokémon Company
Payment of 5 million yen plus late payment damages to Nintendo Co., Ltd.”
For those who may be wondering, 5 million yen translates to 32,737.30 USD or about 45,545.00 CAD. There are no details yet on what the late fees may add up to. The injunction part is probably more scary than what Pocket Pair may or may not have to pay at this point, based on the details above.
What are your thoughts on the lawsuit? Comment below.
The post Palworld Releases Details On Nintendo Lawsuit appeared first on Gamer Social Club.